Python script can be used to download the CloudTrail
logs across all regions.
The Invictus-AWS
Python script
can be used to retrieve information about the environment (service usage and
configuration) and export logs from a number of sources (CloudTrail
, S3 Access Logs
, …) to an S3
bucket. Invictus-AWS
region bound.
In addition to the
ReadOnlyAccess managed policy
also requires
specific permissions, as defined in the provided policy.
As stated in Invictus-AWS
’s readme, the tools is divided into 4 different
steps (that can be run independently):
The first step performs enumeration of activated AWS services and its details.
The second step retrieves configuration details about the activated services.
The third step extracts available logs for the activated services.
The fourth and last step analyze CloudTrail logs, and only CloudTrail logs, by running
queries against it.
By default, the steps one to three are executed. The step 4 is optional and must be run separately.
# Configures the required API access.
aws configure
# -r <REGION>: defines the specified region (such as "us-east-1") to retrieve the logs from.
# -A <REGION>: retrieves the logs from all regions, starting with the specified region.
# -w <local | cloud>: defines if the results should stored in an S3 bucket only or if the results should also be downloaded to the local storage.
python3 [-r <REGION> | -A <REGION>] -w <local | cloud>
# Downloads locally the exported / collected elements from
aws s3 cp --recursive s3://<INVICTUS_BUCKET> <EXPORT_FOLDER>
The awslogs
utility can be used to
access and filter the AWS CloudWatch
logs. awslogs
requires the permissions
associated with the CloudWatchLogsReadOnlylAccess
awslogs <get | groups | streams> [--aws-region "<AWS_REGION>"] [--aws-access-key-id "<ACCESS_KEY_ID>"] [--aws-secret-access-key "<ACCESS_KEY_SECRET>"]
# Lists the existing logs groups.
awslogs groups
# Lists the streams in the specified log group.
awslogs streams <LOG_GROUP>
# Retrieves the logs in all or the specified log group / stream.
# The start / end filtering support multiple filtering options: DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm, <INT><m | h | d | w>.
awslogs get <ALL | LOG_GROUP> <ALL | LOG_GROUP_STREAM> -s <START> -e <END>
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