
Event: 4688.

Events: 5857, 5858, 5859, 5860, 5861.

Process execution

Tracking process execution is the only way to natively detect lateral movement leveraging WMI. With out Audit process tracking enabled to log process creation event 4688 (or a dedicated product tracking process creation, such as Sysmon or an EDR), lateral movement over WMI cannot be reliably detected or investigated.

Channel Conditions Events
Security Requires Audit Process Creation to be enabled.

Requires ProcessCreationIncludeCmdLine_Enabled to be enabled for the command line to be logged.
Event 4688: A new process has been created.

Refer to the ETW - Process creation page for more general information on the event.

The event can be used to track the execution of programs related to WMI. For instance, the execution of wmic [...] /node:<REMOTE_HOST> can be an indicator of outgoing lateral movement using WMI on the source host, and process with WmiPrvSE.exe as a parent-process can be an indicator of incoming lateral movement using WMI on the destination host.

WMI Event subscription

Channel Conditions Events
Microsoft-Windows-WMI-Activity/Operational Introduced in Windows Sever 2012R2.

Default configuration.
Event 5858: Operation_ClientFailure.

Logged for error in a WMI operation, such as, for example, a WMI query (IWbemServices::ExecQuery or IWbemServices::ExecNotificationQuery), an object retrieval (IWbemServices::GetObject), or a CIM-object exported method execution (IWbemServices::ExecMethod).

Information of interest:
- Domain and username of the user that conducted the WMI operation.
- The result code of the failed operation.
- The Process ID (PID) of the process that conducted the operation.
- Details on the operation that raised the error.

For WMI query, the query string is included.
For example: Start IWbemServices::ExecQuery - ROOT\CIMV2 : SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystemProduct.

For method execution, the WMI namespace, the class, and the method called are included, in the following format
IWbemServices::ExecMethod - <NAMESPACE> : <CLASS>::<METHOD>.
For example: IWbemServices::ExecMethod - ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Smb : MSFT_SmbShare::FireShareChangeEvent.
Microsoft-Windows-WMI-Activity/Operational Introduced in Windows Sever 2012R2.

Default configuration.
Event 5857: <PROVIDER_NAME> provider started with result code 0x0. HostProcess = wmiprvse.exe; ProcessID = <PID>; ProviderPath = <PROVIDER_DLL_PATH>.

Logged whenever a provider is loaded by WMI.

WMI uses providers to access system components (that it then exposes as classes). As providers are loaded under NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, they can be a way to maintain elevated persistence on the system.

Information of interest:
- Provider name and DLL full path.
- The Process ID (PID) of the wmiprvse.exe process that loaded the provided.
Microsoft-Windows-WMI-Activity/Operational Introduced in Windows Sever 2012R2.

Default configuration.
Event 5860: Operation_TemporaryEssStarted.

Logged whenever a temporary WMI Event Subscription is configured.

Information of interest:
- Domain and username of the user executing the temporary subscription.
- Process ID (PID) of the process under which the subscription is executed.
- WMI namespace and query of the temporary subscription.
Microsoft-Windows-WMI-Activity/Operational Introduced in Windows Sever 2012R2.

Default configuration.
Event 5861: Operation_ESStoConsumerBinding.

Logged whenever a permanent WMI Event Subscription is configured (more precisely when a filter to consumer binding is configured).

Information of interest:
- Details on the event filter: name, creator SID, WMI namespace, WMI query language and query.
- Details on the event consumer: name, type of consumer (such as CommandLineEventConsumer for program execution), creator SID, and consumer parameters (such as the program path and command line for CommandLineEventConsumer consumer).
Microsoft-Windows-WMI-Activity/Operational Introduced in Windows Sever 2012R2.

Default configuration.
Event 5859: Operation_EssStarted.

Appears to be logged in relation with some permanent WMI Event Subscriptions.

Information of interest:
- WMI query assocatied with a permanent subscription.


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