Log files, and notably "MPLog-YYMMDD-hhmmss.log", under:

<SYSTEMDRIVE>\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Support


Windows Defender stores on disk a number of plain-text log files under %SystemDrive%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Support, including:

File Description
MPLog-YYMMDD-hhmmss.log The Microsoft Protection Log (MPLog) log includes a number of event types related to past Windows Defender scanning activity and detections, notably to permit the troubleshooting of performance issues related to real-time protection.

The MPLog can be a source of historical information on:
- Program and suspicious command line executions.
- Files existence and access.
- Windows Defender configuration state and detections.
MPScanSkip-YYMMDD-hhmmss.log The Microsoft Scan Skip (MPScanSkip) log stores information on Windows Defender scans that were skipped or aborted. A scan can be aborted for a number of reason, including reaching the timeout limit.

The MPScanSkip log can be a source of historical information on files that were not, or partially, scanned by Windows Defender.

Microsoft Protection Log (MPLog)

The MPLog log include a number of different event types, that can be of interest for incident response investigations.

Estimated performance impact events

The “Estimated performance impact” events track the performance impact of Windows Defender scans and can be a source of historical information on program executions.




2022-11-23T09:10:55.472Z ProcessImageName: svchost.exe, Pid: 7836, TotalTime: 6070, Count: 24, MaxTime: 828, MaxTimeFile: \Device\HarddiskVolume1\Downloads\binary.exe, EstimatedImpact: 100%

Information of interest available, as stated in the Microsoft documentation:

Field Description Example event
ProcessImageName The process’s image name. svchost.exe
Pid The process’s Process ID (PID). 7836
TotalTime The total time Windows Defender spent scanning the files accessed by the process. 6070
Count The total number of files accessed by the process that were scanned by Windows Defender.

As some files can be excluded from scanning, the total number of files accessed by the process may be higher.
MaxTime The longest scan time recorded, in milliseconds. 828
MaxTimeFile The path of the file for which the longest scan time (of MaxTime duration) was recorded. \Device\HarddiskVolume1\Downloads\binary.exe
EstimatedImpact “The percentage of time spent in scans for files accessed by this process out of the period in which this process experienced scan activity” 100%

Real-time detections events

Various events are emitted by Windows Defender following a detection. These events can be used to retrieve information on the detection, such as the malicious file path, acceding process, and remediation action taken by Windows Defender.


2022-12-15T11:24:18.854Z DETECTIONEVENT MPSOURCE_REALTIME HackTool:MSIL/Mimikatz!MSR file:C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Videos\binary.exe;

# "DETECTION_ADD" events.
2022-12-15T11:24:18.854Z DETECTION_ADD#1 HackTool:MSIL/Mimikatz!MSR file:C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Videos\binary.exe PropBag [length: 0, data: (null)]

# "[RTP] [Mini-filter] Blocked file" events.
2022-12-15T11:24:29.026Z [RTP] [Mini-filter] Blocked file(#74): \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Users\<USERNAME>\Videos\binary.exe. Process: \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\explorer.exe, Status: 0x0, [...]

2022-12-15T11:25:01.549Z DETECTION_CLEANEVENT MPSOURCE_REALTIME MP_THREAT_ACTION_QUARANTINE 0x80508033 HackTool:MSIL/Mimikatz!MSR file:C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Videos\binary.exe;

# "Resource Scan" events.
Begin Resource Scan
Scan ID:{C343E826-1234-1234-1234-12345678999}
Scan Source:6
Start Time:12-15-2022 11:24:33
End Time:12-15-2022 11:24:45
Explicit resource to scan
Resource Schema:file
Resource Path:C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Videos\binary.exe
Result Count:1
Threat Name:HackTool:MSIL/Mimikatz!MSR
Number of Resources:1
Resource Schema:file
Resource Path:C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Videos\binary.exe
Extended Info - SigSeq:00001667a6e4976b
Extended Info - SigSha:3de04872ea8ce2ceea7d0787abe1234567899876
End Scan

# "threat actions" events.
Beginning threat actions
Start time:12-15-2022 11:27:46
Threat Name:HackTool:MSIL/Mimikatz!MSR
Threat ID:2147805916
Resource action complete:Quarantine
File to act on SHA1:343051CC1B3F33201D076478EA9BADC796951423
File owner:<DOMAIN>\<USERNAME>
File cleaned/removed successfully
File Name:C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Videos\binary.exe
Action remove successful on file:\\?\C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Videos\binary.exe
Resource action complete:Removal
Finished threat actions
End time:12-15-2022 11:27:46

Suspicious command line events

Windows Defender records events on detection of suspicious and potentially malicious command line executions. Two level of criticality are indicated by Windows Defender: lowfi and threat.


<TIMESTAMP_UTC> Engine:command line reported as <lowfi | threat>: <COMMAND_LINE>


2022-12-14T10:55:21.580Z Engine:command line reported as lowfi: C:\Windows\System32\reg.exe(reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\WDigest /v UseLogonCredential /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f)

“BM telemetry” events

The Windows Defender Behavior Monitoring component generates telemetry / events on suspicious files and activity. The feature, and associated event type, are not well documented.

Information of interest available:

Field Description
ImagePath The process’s image path.
ProcessID The process’s Process ID (PID).
ProcessCreationTime The creation time of the process, in Windows NT Time format.
Modules Sometimes, the Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL) loaded by the process.
Parents The parent process’s image path of the process. Additional image paths may sometimes be referenced, with out a clear link between the processes. For example: Parents: C:\Program Files (x86)\XXX\userland-binary.exe:3052:2,Registry:104:2,C:\Windows\System32\lsass.exe:700:2


BEGIN BM telemetry
CreationTime:12-19-2023 22:32:09
Taint Info:Friendly: Y; Reason: ; Modules: C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\Microsoft.Pb378ec07#\36f0282d3041ebc3f52968b6d1cb281d\Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost.ni.dll:25,[...]; Parents: C:\Program Files (x86)\Mesh Agent\MeshAgent.exe:2504:3,
END BM telemetry

BEGIN BM telemetry
CreationTime:12-19-2023 09:51:29
Taint Info:Friendly: Y; Reason: ; Modules: ; Parents: C:\Windows\System32\services.exe:692:1,
END BM telemetry

“Filter caching disabled” events

Windows Defender seems to disable its “filter caching” on potentially suspicious files, generating an associated “Filter caching disabled” event. This event can be used to track (some) files that Windows Defender identified as suspicious (with out necessarily raising a detection alert). For instance, “Filter caching disabled” events are raised on PsExec binary, some port scanning utilities (such as netscan), or some remote monitoring and management products. The feature, and associated event type, are not documented.


2022-05-17T09:22:32.600Z Filter caching disabled for <FILE_PATH> (runtime MpDisableCaching from 0x0)


2022-05-17T09:22:32.600Z Filter caching disabled for \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\1\PsExec.exe (runtime MpDisableCaching from 0x0)
2022-05-17T09:41:48.226Z Filter caching disabled for \Device\HarddiskVolume2\Users\<USENRAME>\Documents\1\netscan.exe (runtime MpDisableCaching from 0x0)

EMS Detection events

Windows Defender seems to periodically scan the memory of processes, generating Engine:EMS scan for process events. If malicious content is detected in memory, an EMS detection event may be recorded.


<TIMESTAMP_UTC> Engine:EMS detection: <THREAT_NAME>, sigseq=<SIGSEQ>, pid=<PROCESS_ID>


2023-11-24T06:19:53.270Z Engine:EMS detection: HackTool:MSIL/Mimikatz!MSR, sigseq=0x0000123456789B73, pid=1254

“Issuing SDN query” events

Windows Defender seems to make “Cloud” query on suspicious files, generating “Issuing SDN query” events. Other events may however be generated instead (as shown below) depending on the Windows Defender version. This event is likely to be dependant on the activation of “Cloud-delivered protection” (SubmitSamplesConsent set to 0x1). The feature, and associated event type, are not documented.


<TIMESTAMP_UTC> SDN:Issuing SDN query for <FILE_PATH> (<FILE_PATH>) (sha1=<SHA1>, sha2=<SHA256>)


# SND query event.
2023-07-12T11:16:34.869Z SDN:Issuing SDN query for \Device\HarddiskVolume4\inetpub\wwwroot\file.asp (\Device\HarddiskVolume4\inetpub\wwwroot\file.asp) (sha1=12345678900b1a36ee0e7f932386ca1234567890, sha2=1234567899876543215059e9780f802a2f75b432b0d87a123456789987654321)

# Cloud query events with out file information.
2023-12-18T18:41:02.439Z [Cloud] Engine is requesting config to do cloud query [regular network].
2023-12-18T18:41:02.470Z [Cloud] SubmitReport(CMpSpyDssContext), ShouldSendEvenOnPaidNetworks: 1
2023-12-18T18:41:02.470Z [Cloud] Start of cloud request. Passive mode: 0
2023-12-18T18:41:02.470Z [Cloud] Queued cloud request.
2023-12-18T18:41:02.470Z [Cloud] MpEngineCloudRequest(). hr = 0
2023-12-18T18:41:02.470Z [Cloud] Dequeued cloud request.
2023-12-18T18:41:02.470Z [Cloud] RpcSpynetQueueGenerateReport(). hr = 0
2023-12-18T18:41:02.861Z SDN:SDN query completed: 00000000

“Setting original file name” events

Windows Defender records events that indicate the “original” filename of renamed files. The “original” filename seems to be retrieved from the file VERSIONINFO header’s OriginalFilename or ProductName field (if the OriginalFilename field is not specified). This event can thus be an indicator of file whose filename does not match their OriginalFilename / ProductName, such as system utilities (such as cmd.exe) renamed by threat actors for defense evasion purposes.


<TIMESTAMP_UTC> Engine:Setting original file name "<ORIGINAL_FILENAME>" for "<FILE_PATH>", hr=0x0


2022-10-24T17:56:18.140Z Engine:Setting original file name "psexec.c" for "c:\users\<USERNAME>\videos\binary.exe", hr=0x0

RTP Perf Log

The ‘RTP Perf Log’ events reference the scan exclusion(s) configured for Windows Defender (and other settings and parameters) at the time of the event. Exclusions can be configured on process names / paths, folders, or file extensions.

****************************RTP Perf Log***************************
RTP Start:N/A
Last Perf:(null)
First RTP Scan:N/A
Plugin States:  AV:2  AS:2  RTP:2  OA:2  BM:2
Process Exclusions:
  C:\Microsoft System Center 2012\xxx\SQL\MSRS10_50.MSDPM2012\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin\ReportingServicesService.exe
Path Exclusions:
Ext Exclusions:

In addition to ‘RTP Perf Log’ events, other Windows Defender real-time protection events may reference the configured scan exclusions. “[RTP] [Exclusion]” or “[RTP] [Mini-filter] volume excluded from scanning due to path exclusion" events also reference the folders excluded from a scan.

2024-01-26T22:46:35.043Z [RTP] [Exclusion] T:\ is discarded due to error 0x80070002
2024-01-26T22:46:35.043Z [RTP] [Mini-filter] volume \Device\HarddiskVolume34 excluded from scanning due to path exclusion


The mplog_parser Python script can be used to parse MPLog files into multiple CSV files (one file per event type parsed).

mplog_parser parses:

mplog_parser -d "<INPUT_FOLDER>" -o "<OUTPUT_FOLDER>"


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