
Registry keys:
HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\MUICache
HKCU\Local Settings\MuiCache


The Multilanguage User Interface (MUI) is a feature to allow applications to have a single executable for multiple languages. MUI files can be created, one per supported language, to switch the application display language.

The registry key references execution of programs with a graphical interface, installed or from a portable executable.

Information of interest

Each execution is associated with two values under the MUICache registry key, both starting with the executable full path.

The values data reference information retrieved from the executable’s Version information from its resources section (.rsrc):

  • <PE_FULL_PATH>.FriendlyAppName: references the executable FileDescription. This can be used to identify renamed executable, as the original filename is likely going to be referenced by the FileDescription attribute.

  • <PE_FULL_PATH>.ApplicationCompany: references the executable CompanyName.

The MUICache does not provide a timestamp of execution, and the last write timestamp of the key cannot be used to infer the timestamp of execution (as the entries are stored directly as registry values).


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