Live system ETW providers and channels review

# Lists the system's provider
logman.exe query providers

# Retrieves information about a provider, including its channel and the process sending events to it.
logman.exe query providers "<PROVIDER_NAME>"

# Lists the providers the specified process emit events to.
logman query providers -pid <PID>

# Lists the available `channels` and their associated event counts.
Get-WinEvent -ListLog *

Live system events access

The PowerShell cmdlet Get-WinEvent and the wevtutil utility can be used to list available event log files and filter event log, from both local or remote system.

The following commands can be used to enumerate the available event logs:

wevtutil el

Get-WinEvent -ListLog * | Where-Object { $_.RecordCount }
Get-WinEvent -Computer <HOSTNAME | IP> -Credential <PSCredential> -ListLog * | Where-Object { $_.RecordCount }

The following commands can be used to retrieve configuration information and metadata about the specified event logs:

# Displays configuration information: enabled, DACL, file path, etc.
wevtutil gl <LOGNAME>

# Displays metadata information: creation time, last access / write time, number of events logged, file size, etc.
wevtutil gli <LOGNAME>

# Displays both the configuration and metadata information at once.
Get-WinEvent -ListLog <LOGNAME> | Format-List -Property *
Get-WinEvent -Computer <HOSTNAME | IP> -Credential <PSCredential> -ListLog <LOGNAME> | Format-List -Property *

The following commands can be used to filter the event logs.

The wevtutil utility supports only XPath queries. The Windows Event Viewer utility can be used to define a filter query through the graphical and more user-friendly interface and export the filter in to a XPath format for use with wevtutil.

wevtutil qe <LOGNAME> /q:"<XPATH_QUERY>"

# Example query to find events matching the specified Event ID between two dates.
wevtutil qe <LOGNAME> /q:"*[System[(EventID=<EVENT_ID>) and TimeCreated[@SystemTime>='<DATETIME>' and @SystemTime<'<DATETIME>']]]"

The PowerShell cmdlet Get-WinEvent can be used to filter the event logs on the following attributes:

  • LogName (<String[]>)

  • Path (<String[]>)

  • ID (<Int32[]>)

  • StartTime (<DateTime>)

  • EndTime (<DateTime>)

  • UserID (<SID>)

  • Data (<String[]>)

# Filters the log by event ID.
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{Path="<FILE_PATH>"; ID=<EVENT_ID | LIST_EVENT_IDs>} | Fl
Get-WinEvent -Computer <HOSTNAME | IP> -Credential <PSCredential> -FilterHashtable @{Path="<FILE_PATH>"; ID=<EVENT_ID | LIST_EVENT_IDs>} | Fl

# Searches the specified string in event data.
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{Path="<FILE_PATH>"; data="<STRING | LIST_STRINGs>"} | Fl
Get-WinEvent -Computer <HOSTNAME | IP> -Credential <PSCredential> -FilterHashtable @{Path="<FILE_PATH>"; data="<STRING | LIST_STRINGs>"} | Fl

EVTX files parsing

Graphical applications

  • Event Viewer: Windows built-in GUI events viewer utility.

  • Event Log Explorer: Proprietary GUI events viewer utility.

[CLI] LogParser

LogParser can be used to conduct SQL-like queries on EVTX files.

Notable KAPE modules available that leverage LogParser: LogParser_LogonLogoffEvents, LogParser_RDPUsageEvents, and LogParser_DetailedNetworkShareAccess.

The following LogParser.exe query, as implemented in KAPE as the Logon-Logoff-events module, extract and parse multiple Security events related to Windows logon into an output CSV file. The following events ID are processed: 4624, 4625, 4634, 4647, 4648, 4772, 4778, 4779, 4800, 4801, 4802, and 4803.

This query can prove useful for analysis of events from both Domain Controllers and Windows servers or workstations.

# Author: Brian Maloney (idea by @0x47617279).

LogParser.exe -stats:OFF -i:EVT -o CSV "SELECT TO_UTCTIME(TimeGenerated) AS Date, EventID, CASE EventID WHEN 4624 THEN 'An account was successfully logged on' WHEN 4625 THEN 'An account failed to log on' WHEN 4634 THEN 'An account was logged off' WHEN 4647 THEN 'User initiated logoff' WHEN 4648 THEN 'A logon was attempted using explicit credentials' WHEN 4672 THEN 'Special privileges assigned to new logon' WHEN 4778 THEN 'A session was reconnected to a Window Station' WHEN 4779 THEN 'A session was disconnected from a Window Station' WHEN 4800 THEN 'The workstation was locked' WHEN 4801 THEN 'The workstation was unlocked' WHEN 4802 THEN 'The screen saver was invoked' WHEN 4803 THEN 'The screen saver was dismissed' END as Description, CASE EventID WHEN 4624 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 5, '|') WHEN 4625 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 5, '|') WHEN 4634 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 1, '|') WHEN 4647 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 1, '|') WHEN 4648 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 1, '|') WHEN 4672 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 1, '|') WHEN 4778 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 0, '|') WHEN 4779 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 0, '|') WHEN 4800 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 1, '|') WHEN 4801 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 1, '|') WHEN 4802 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 1, '|') WHEN 4803 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 1, '|') END as Username, CASE EventID WHEN 4624 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 6, '|') WHEN 4625 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 6, '|') WHEN 4634 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 2, '|') WHEN 4647 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 2, '|') WHEN 4648 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 2, '|') WHEN 4672 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 2, '|') WHEN 4778 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 1, '|') WHEN 4779 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 1, '|') WHEN 4800 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 2, '|') WHEN 4801 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 2, '|') WHEN 4802 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 2, '|') WHEN 4803 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 2, '|') END as Domain, CASE EventID WHEN 4648 THEN STRCAT(EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 6, '|'),STRCAT('\\',EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 5, '|'))) END AS CredentialsUsed, CASE EventID WHEN 4624 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 7, '|') WHEN 4624 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 7, '|') WHEN 4634 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 3, '|') WHEN 4647 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 3, '|') WHEN 4648 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 3, '|') WHEN 4672 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 3, '|') WHEN 4778 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 2, '|') WHEN 4779 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 2, '|') WHEN 4800 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 3, '|') WHEN 4801 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 3, '|') WHEN 4802 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 3, '|') WHEN 4803 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 3, '|') END AS LogonID, CASE EventID WHEN 4778 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 3, '|') WHEN 4779 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 3, '|') WHEN 4800 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 4, '|') WHEN 4801 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 4, '|') WHEN 4802 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 4, '|') WHEN 4803 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 4, '|') END AS SessionName, REPLACE_STR(REPLACE_STR(REPLACE_STR(REPLACE_STR(REPLACE_STR(REPLACE_STR(REPLACE_STR(REPLACE_STR(REPLACE_STR(REPLACE_STR(REPLACE_STR(CASE EventID WHEN 4624 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 8, '|') WHEN 4625 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 10, '|') WHEN 4634 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 4, '|') END,'2','Logon via console'),'3','Network Logon'),'4','Batch Logon'),'5','Windows Service Logon'),'7','Credentials used to unlock screen'),'8','Network logon sending credentials (cleartext)'),'9','Different credentials used than logged on user'),'10','Remote interactive logon (RDP)'),'11','Cached credentials used to logon'),'12','Cached remote interactive (similar to Type 10)'),'13','Cached unlock (similar to Type 7)') AS LogonType, CASE EventID WHEN 4625 THEN CASE EXTRACT_TOKEN(strings, 7, '|') WHEN '0xc000005e' THEN 'There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request' WHEN '0xc0000064' THEN 'user name does not exist' WHEN '0xc000006a' THEN 'user name is correct but the password is wrong' WHEN '0xc000006d' THEN 'user logon with misspelled or bad password' WHEN '0xc000006e' THEN 'unknown user name or bad password' WHEN '0xc000006f' THEN 'user tried to logon outside his day of week or time of day restrictions' WHEN '0xc0000070' THEN 'workstation restriction, or Authentication Policy Silo violation (look for event ID 4820 on domain controller)' WHEN '0xc0000071' THEN 'expired password' WHEN '0xc0000072' THEN 'account is currently disabled' WHEN '0xc00000dc' THEN 'Indicates the Sam Server was in the wrong state to perform the desired operation.' WHEN '0xc0000133' THEN 'clocks between DC and other computer too far out of sync' WHEN '0xc000015b' THEN 'The user has not been granted the requested logon type (aka logon right) at this machine' WHEN '0xc000018c' THEN 'The logon request failed because the trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed' WHEN '0xc0000192' THEN 'An attempt was made to logon, but the netlogon service was not started' WHEN '0xc0000193' THEN 'account expiration' WHEN '0xc0000224' THEN 'user is required to change password at next logon' WHEN '0xc0000225' THEN 'evidently a bug in Windows and not a risk' WHEN '0xc0000234' THEN 'user is currently locked out' WHEN '0xc00002ee' THEN 'Failure Reason. An Error occurred during Logon' WHEN '0xc0000413' THEN 'Logon Failure. The machine you are logging onto is protected by an authentication firewall. The specified account is not allowed to authenticate to the machine' ELSE EXTRACT_TOKEN(strings, 7, '|') END END AS Status, CASE EventID WHEN 4625 THEN CASE EXTRACT_TOKEN(strings, 9, '|') WHEN '0xc000005e' THEN 'There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request' WHEN '0xc0000064' THEN 'user name does not exist' WHEN '0xc000006a' THEN 'user name is correct but the password is wrong' WHEN '0xc000006d' THEN 'user logon with misspelled or bad password' WHEN '0xc000006e' THEN 'unknown user name or bad password' WHEN '0xc000006f' THEN 'user tried to logon outside his day of week or time of day restrictions' WHEN '0xc0000070' THEN 'workstation restriction, or Authentication Policy Silo violation (look for event ID 4820 on domain controller)' WHEN '0xc0000071' THEN 'expired password' WHEN '0xc0000072' THEN 'account is currently disabled' WHEN '0xc00000dc' THEN 'Indicates the Sam Server was in the wrong state to perform the desired operation.' WHEN '0xc0000133' THEN 'clocks between DC and other computer too far out of sync' WHEN '0xc000015b' THEN 'The user has not been granted the requested logon type (aka logon right) at this machine' WHEN '0xc000018c' THEN 'The logon request failed because the trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed' WHEN '0xc0000192' THEN 'An attempt was made to logon, but the netlogon service was not started' WHEN '0xc0000193' THEN 'account expiration' WHEN '0xc0000224' THEN 'user is required to change password at next logon' WHEN '0xc0000225' THEN 'evidently a bug in Windows and not a risk' WHEN '0xc0000234' THEN 'user is currently locked out' WHEN '0xc00002ee' THEN 'Failure Reason. An Error occurred during Logon' WHEN '0xc0000413' THEN 'Logon Failure. The machine you are logging onto is protected by an authentication firewall. The specified account is not allowed to authenticate to the machine' ELSE EXTRACT_TOKEN(strings, 9, '|') END END AS SubStatus, CASE EventID WHEN 4624 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(strings, 9, '|') WHEN 4625 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(strings, 11, '|') END AS AuthPackage, CASE EventID WHEN 4624 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 11, '|') WHEN 4625 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 13, '|') WHEN 4648 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 8, '|') WHEN 4778 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 4, '|') WHEN 4779 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 4, '|') END AS Workstation, CASE EventID WHEN 4624 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 18, '|') WHEN 4625 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 19, '|') WHEN 4648 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 12, '|') WHEN 4778 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 5, '|') WHEN 4779 THEN EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings, 5, '|') END AS SourceIP INTO <DESTINATION_FOLDER>\logparser-Logon-Logoff-events.csv' FROM '<SECURITY_EVTX_FILE>' WHERE EventID IN (4624;4625;4634;4647;4648;4672;4778;4779;4800;4801;4802;4803) AND Username NOT IN ('SYSTEM'; 'ANONYMOUS LOGON'; 'LOCAL SERVICE'; 'NETWORK SERVICE') AND Domain NOT IN ('NT AUTHORITY')" -filemode:0

[CLI] Winlogbeat

Winlogbeat can be used to parse EVTX into JSON or to ship them to ELK.

The Winlogbeat_ALL KAPE module can be used to parse every EVTX recursively found in the specified directory to JSON. As winlogbeat is executed once per EVTX file, the module however suffers from poor performance.

The Execute-Winlogbeat.ps1 PowerShell script (and associated KAPE module PowerShell_Execute-Winlogbeat) can be used to recursively process the specified directory to execute Winlogbeat once on all EVTX file(s) found, improving performance.

[CLI] EvtxECmd

EvtxECmd can be used to parse EVTX into CSV, JSON, or XML outputs. However, contrary to winlogbeat, EvtxECmd does not extract the fields in a one to one manner, but groups the event payload into a limited number of fields (in order to support CSV output).

Associated KAPE modules: EvtxECmd and EvtxECmd_RDP.

# Processes all events in the specific evtx file or evtx files in the specified directory.
EvtxECmd.exe [-f '<FILE>' | -d '<DIRECTORY>']  --csv '<OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_CSV>'

# Filters the events to output based on a include list (--inc) or exclude list (--exc).
EvtxECmd.exe [-f '<FILE>' | -d '<DIRECTORY>'] [--inc <LIST_EVENT_IDs> | --exc <LIST_EVENT_IDs>] --csv '<OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_CSV>'

[CLI] Chainsaw & Hayabusa

Chainsaw (KAPE module Chainsaw) and Hayabusa (KAPE module hayabusa_OfflineEventLogs notably) are Rust utilities to parse and extract key information from EVTX files. The utilities support Sigma rules to generate a detection timeline of notable and potentially suspicious activity.


Velociraptor has built-in EVTX parsing capabilities and dedicated modules to event logs analysis, such as Windows.EventLogs.CondensedAccountUsage, Windows.EventLogs.Chainsaw, Windows.EventLogs.Hayabusa, etc.

LogonTracer is a tool to display Active Directory and host logon-related events as a graph. Logon events are represented as two nodes, the host (hostname or IP address) and the account name, linked by the event information (event ID, number of occurrences, etc.).

The following events ID are processed: 4624, 4625, 4768, 4769, 4776, and 4672.

Events can be filtered on a number of criteria:

  • The host(s) (hostname or IP) or user(s) concerned by the logon.
  • If the authentication provider is NTLM (AuthName: NTLM).
  • The logon type: RDP (Logon type 10), Network (Logon type 3), Batch (Logon type 4), and Service (Logon type 5).
  • If the logon was associated to special privileges (event ID 4672).
  • etc.
# LogonTracer default username: neo4j
# LogonTracer default password: password

# Pulls and installs the Docker container.
docker pull jpcertcc/docker-logontracer

# Runs the LogonTracer container.
docker run --detach --publish=7474:7474 --publish=7687:7687 --publish=8080:8080 -e LTHOSTNAME=<IP> jpcertcc/docker-logontracer

# Deletes the example data present by default in the container.
docker exec <CONTAINER_ID> python /usr/local/src/LogonTracer/ --delete -u '<USERNAME>' -p '<PASSWORD>' -s <IP>

# It is advised to add Security.evtx files through the web interface, exposed by default on the TCP port 8080.
Upload Event Log (bottom left) -> Browse -> One or multiple files can be selected -> Upload

# Alternatively, the Security.evtx files can be upload using the Python script.
python3 [-e <EVTX> | -x <EVTX_XML>] -z <TIME_ZONE> -u '<USERNAME>' -p '<PASSWORD>' -s <IP>

Tags: windows_etw

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