Registry last write timestamps

The last write / modified timestamp of a registry key correspond to the last time a write operation occurred on the key. Multiple types of write operation may trigger an update of the last write / modified timestamp of the key:

  • Addition / modification / deletion of one (or multiple) values under the key.

  • Addition / deletion of a sub-key under the key.

  • Change in the security descriptor (including Access Control List (ACL)) of the key.

The last write / modified timestamp of a registry key is the only generic timestamp available regarding registry keys. There is indeed no last write / modified timestamp for registry value.

Registry timestomping

Similarly to MFT MACB timestamp, the last write / modified timestamp of a registry key can be timestomped. This can be achieved using the Windows NtSetInformationKey API.

Such timestomping can be hard to detect without a dedicated monitoring product (such as an EDR), as no associated event logs are generated and timestamps discrepancies can only occur for registry keys with subkeys.


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