Source host

The following processes are related to WMI activity on the source host:

  • wmic.exe: client command line utility to interact with WMI (locally or on a remote computer). The /node parameter can be used to specify a remote computer and the process call create "<COMMAND>" command to create a process to execute the specified command.

    PowerShell Invoke-WmiMethod cmdlet can be used as an alternative to wmic to execute WMI query locally or on a remote computer.

    For example, to spawn a process on a remote computer using the Win32_Process WMI class:

    wmic /node:<REMOTE_HOST> /user:<USERNAME> /password:<PASSWORD> process call create "<COMMAND>"
    Invoke-WmiMethod -Computer <REMOTE_HOST> [-Credential <PS_CREDENTIALS>] -Class Win32_Process -Name create -Argument "<COMMAND>"

Destination host

The following processes are related to WMI activity on the destination host:

  • WmiPrvSE.exe: WMI Provider Host program that is executed to run WMI commands. If a program is executed through WMI, it will be spawned as a child of the wmiprvse.exe process.

    Suspicious child process of WmiPrvSE.exe (such as powershell.exe or cmd.exe) can be an indicator of lateral movement over WMI or persistence through a WMI Event Subscription.

  • scrcons.exe: WMI Standard Event Consumer process that spawn for ActiveScriptEventConsumer execution.

As WMI can be used legitimately in the environment, the execution of a WMI related program may not necessarily be an indicator of malicious activity.

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