HKLM\SYSTEM - ComputerName

HKLM\SOFTWARE - CurrentVersion



HKLM\SAM - Users

HKLM\SYSTEM - TimeZoneInformation


HKLM\SYSTEM - Interfaces

HKLM\SYSTEM - NetworkList

HKLM\SYSTEM - LanmanServer\Shares

HKLM\SYSTEM - FirewallPolicy




Hive Description Location
HKLM\SYSTEM Name of the computer. File: %SystemRoot%\System32\config\SYSTEM

Registry key:


Hive Description Location
HKLM\SOFTWARE Version and Service pack number of the Windows operating system. File: %SystemRoot%\System32\config\SOFTWARE

Registry key:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion (ProductName value)

Security - Policy

Hive Description Location
HKLM\SECURITY Basic information on the system:

- Computer name and SID.

- Computer’s domain and domain SID (for domain-joined hosts).
File: %SystemRoot%\System32\config\SECURITY

Registry keys under HKLM\SECURITY\Policy:

- PolAcDmN: computer name

- PolAcDmS: computer SID

- PolDnDDN: computer’s domain name

- PolPrDmS: computer’s domain SID


Hive Description Location
HKLM\SOFTWARE SID to user profile folder correspondence for both local and domain accounts that have interactively logged on the system. Each account is referenced by a dedicated subkey under ProfileList, named after the user SID.

The user profile folder is referenced in the ProfileImagePath value under the per-user sunkey, and can be used to determine the account username.

The last write timestamp of each key indicates when the associated user last logged on the system.
File: %SystemRoot%\System32\config\SOFTWARE

Registry key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList

SAM - Local users

Hive Description Location
HKLM\SAM Local users and groups definition.

The SAM database contains the local users attributes (username, RID, Last Password Change, group memberships), as well as their LM and NTLM hashes.

The SysKey, also referred to as the BootKey, stored in the HKLM\SYSTEM registry hive is necessary to decrypt the secrets in the SAM database. The Impacket’s Python script can be used to extract the credentials from the HKLM\SAM (and HKLM\SECURITY) hives: -sam <SAM> -system <SYSTEM> [-security <SECURITY>] LOCAL.
File: %SystemRoot%\System32\config\SAM

Registry keys:


Hive Description Location
HKLM\SYSTEM System time zone information. File: %SystemRoot%\System32\config\SYSTEM

Registry key: HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation


Hive Description Location
HKLM\SYSTEM ControlSet information for the CurrentControlSet, ControlSet002, … registry keys:

- Current ControlSet pointed by the CurrentControlSet key.

- Last known good ControlSet.
File: %SystemRoot%\System32\config\SYSTEM

Registry key: HKLM\SYSTEM\Select

Network interfaces (Interfaces)

Hive Description Location
HKLM\SYSTEM Basic information about network interfaces (interface name, associated IP address, default gateway, and DHCP lease and eventual domain).

Additional network information is available in the NetworkList registry key.
File: %SystemRoot%\System32\config\SYSTEM

Registry keys: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\*

Network interfaces (NetworkList)

Hive Description Location
HKLM\SYSTEM Basic network historical information (network name and type, first and last connection, etc.) File: %SystemRoot%\System32\config\SYSTEM

Registry key: HKLM\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles\


Hive Description Location
HKLM\SYSTEM Network SMB shares hosted by the system.

Each network share is associated with a REG_MULTI_SZ value.

The value is named from the network share name. The share name is also defined in the ShareName field of the registry value’s data.

The share path on disk is defined in the Path field of the registry value’s data.
File: %SystemRoot%\System32\config\SYSTEM

Registry key: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Shares


Hive Description Location
HKLM\SYSTEM Windows local Firewall profiles (Public, Private, and Domain) status and configured rules. File: %SystemRoot%\System32\config\SYSTEM

Registry key: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\*

Installed applications (App Paths)

Hive Description Location


Applications installed on the system, on a system-wide or per-user basis.

The entries are mainly used by the Windows operating system for two purposes:

- Mapping an application file name to its executable full path.

- Pre-pending information to the PATH environment variable on a per-application and per-process basis.

Applications installed system-wide have their information written in the HKLM\SOFTWARE registry hive, while applications installed per user have their information written in the user NTUSER hive.

For each installed application the following notable information is available:

- File name and full file path of the application executable.

- Timestamp of installation.
For system-wide applications:


Registry key: Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths

For per-user applications:

File: %SystemDrive%:\Users\<USERNAME>\NTUSER.dat

Registry key: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths

Installed applications (Uninstall)

Hive Description Location


Applications installed on the system, on a system-wide or per-user basis, as displayed in the “Add or remove programs” of the Windows Control Panel / Settings.

Applications installed system-wide have their information written in the HKLM\SOFTWARE registry hive, while applications installed per user have their information written in the user NTUSER hive.

Each application installation data is defined in a dedicated subkey under Uninstall, identified by the application name.

For each installed application the following notable information is available:

- The application name.

- The application installation location, display icon (often based directly on the application main executable, thus giving the full path of the application main program), full path of the uninstaller.

- The date of the installation. The last write timestamp of the registry key can also be an indicator of when the application was installed (with better precision).

- The size of the applicationn.

- Various metadata on the application (provided by the application installer itself): version, publisher, …
For system-wide applications:

File: %SystemRoot%\System32\config\SOFTWARE

Registry key: Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall

For per-user applications:

File: %SystemDrive%:\Users\<USERNAME>\NTUSER.dat

Registry key: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall

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