Remark: if only a day is specified, as StartDate and EndDate for some cmdlets for instance, PowerShell will initialize the corresponding DateTime objects at 12:00 AM (midnight) in the system local timezone (whereas records in the UAL are stored in UTC). The results retrieved, by Search-UnifiedAuditLog for example, will thus be bound by the local system timezone. Timestamps should thus be provided directly in UTC or with timezone information.

The Search-UnifiedAuditLog cmdlet of the ExchangeOnlineManagement module can be used to search and export the Office365 Unified Audit Logs. The cmdlet returns a maximum of 5000 results for direct queries, 50 000 (unsorted) results for paged queries. Requests that would return a large number of events should thus automated (for instance with DFIR-O365RC or Microsoft-Extractor-Suite).

# If necessary, install and / or import the ExchangeOnlineManagement module.
Install-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement
Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement

# Connect to Office365.

# Retrieves events for the specified timeframe and accounts.
Search-UnifiedAuditLog -ResultSize 5000 -StartDate <YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z> -EndDate <YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z> -UserIds '<EMAIL | EMAIL_1,...,EMAIL_N>'

# Retrieves events for the specified record type.
# Record types:
# Record type examples for the the Exchange workload: "ExchangeItem","ExchangeAdmin","ExchangeItemGroup","ExchangeSearch","ExchangeAggregatedOperation","ExchangeItemAggregated","ComplianceDLPExchange","ComplianceSupervisionExchange","MipAutoLabelExchangeItem"
# Record type examples for Azure AD: "AzureActiveDirectory","AzureActiveDirectoryAccountLogon","AzureActiveDirectoryStsLogon"
Search-UnifiedAuditLog -ResultSize 5000 -RecordType <RECORD_TYPES>

# Retrieves events for the specified operation(s).
# Operation examples for the Exchange workload: "MailboxLogin","MailItemsAccessed","FolderBind","Send","SendAs","SendOnBehalf","Set-Mailbox","New-InboxRule","Set-InboxRule","UpdateInboxRules","New-TransportRule","Set-TransportRule","Remove-InboxRule","Disable-InboxRule","Add-MailboxPermission","AddFolderPermissions","Add-RecipientPermission","Remove-MailboxPermission","RemoveFolderPermissions","Remove-RecipientPermission","Set-OwaMailboxPolicy","MoveToDeletedItems","SoftDelete","HardDelete","Hard Delete user","Set-CASMailbox","SearchCreated","SearchExported"
Search-UnifiedAuditLog -ResultSize 5000 -Operations <OPERATIONS>

[Azure AD, Office365, & Azure] Microsoft-Extractor-Suite

The Microsoft-Extractor-Suite PowerShell module can be used to extract logs from Azure AD and Office365.

# If necessary, installs the required PowerShell modules.
Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement
Install-Module -Name AzureADPreview

# Only required for cmdlets using the GraphAPI, such as Get-ADSignInLogsGraph or Get-ADAuditLogsGraph
Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Beta

# The AzureADPreview module MUST be imported (in place of the AzureAD module), as Get-AzureADAuditSignInLogs is updated to allow the retrieval of all events (instead of 1.000 entries with the AzureAD version).
Remove-Module -Name 'AzureAD' -Force
Import-Module -Name 'AzureADPreview' -Force

Import-Module .\Microsoft-Extractor-Suite.psd1

# Connects to Office 365, AzureAD, and / or Azure (depending on the collection targets).

# Retrieves the total number of records in the UAL per Record Type.
# By default retrieve data for the last 90 days for all users.
# For the specified user(s) and / or in the given timeframe.
Get-UALStatistics -UserIds "<EMAIL>" -StartDate <YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z> -EndDate <YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z>

# Retrieves all UAL data.
# By default retrieve data for the last 90 days for all users.
Get-UALAll [-Output JSON]
# For the specified user(s) and / or in the given timeframe.
Get-UALAll [-Output JSON] -UserIds "<EMAIL | EMAILS_LIST>" -StartDate <YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z> -EndDate <YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z>

# Retrieves MailBox audit logs for the specified or all mailboxes.
Get-MailboxAuditLog [-StartDate <YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z>] [-EndDate <YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z>]
Get-MailboxAuditLog -UserIds "<EMAIL | EMAILS_LIST>"

# Retrieves all Azure AD sign-in logs.
# Retrieves Azure AD sign-in logs before and / or after the specified date(s) (no timestamp support, date with day precision only).
Get-ADSignInLogs -StartDate <YYYY-MM-DD> -EndDate <YYYY-MM-DD>

# Retrieves all Azure AD Audit logs.
# Retrieves Azure AD Audit logs before and / or after the specified date(s) (no timestamp support, date with day precision only).
Get-ADAuditLogs -StartDate <YYYY-MM-DD> -EndDate <YYYY-MM-DD>

[Azure AD, Office365, & Azure] DFIR-O365RC collector

DFIR-O365RC is a PowerShell module that implement a number of cmdlets to retrieve Office 365 / Azure logs. As DFIR-O365RC supports PowerShell Core, it can be used on both Windows or Linux endpoints.

The logs are retrieved in JSON from the following sources of information:

  • Office 365 Unified Audit Logs

  • Mailbox Audit Log

  • Azure AD sign-ins logs

  • Azure AD audit logs

  • Azure Activity logs

  • Azure DevOps Activity logs

Manual installation

DFIR-O365RC depends on the MSAL.PS and PoshRSJob modules, that must be installed before usage.

Install-PackageProvider Nuget -Force
Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Force

Install-Module -Name MSAL.PS -RequiredVersion ''
Install-Module -Name PoshRSJob -RequiredVersion ''

On PowerShell Core, the installation of the WSMan client may also be required:

Install-Module PSWSMan

The DFIR-O365RC directory of the DFIR-O365RC project can then be placed in in one of the system modules path (retrievable using $env:PSModulePath) and imported with Import-Module DFIR-O365RC.

DFIR-O365RC cmdlets

Note that whenever using PowerShell Core, the -DeviceCode:$true parameter must be specified for all DFIR-O365RC cmdlets in order to authenticate to the Azure AD tenant. The authentication should be done using a web browser at the URL and the device code obtained passed to the executed DFIR-O365RC cmdlet.

$EndDate = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()
$StartDate30 = $EndDate.adddays(-31)
$StartDate90 = $EndDate.adddays(-91)

# Get a subset of Office 365 Unified audit logs (selection of operations of judged of interest).
# Files produced:
# - Get-O365Light.log
# - O365_unified_audit_logs\YYYY-MM-DD\UnifiedAuditLog_<FQDN>_<YYYY-MM-DD>.json
Get-O365Light -StartDate $StartDate90 -Enddate $EndDate [-Operationsset "AllbutAzureAD"]

# Get all Office 365 Unified audit logs.
# As performance are poor, usage should be limited on a small time period or on small tenant.
$StartDateLimited = $EndDate.adddays(-<DAYS>)
Get-O365Full -StartDate [$StartDate90 | $StartDateLimited] -Enddate $EndDate

# Get Defender for Office 365 logs, from Office 365 Unified audit logs.
# Defender logs require an E5 license or a license plan with Microsoft Defender for Office 365 / cloud app security.
Get-DefenderforO365 -StartDate $StartDate90 -Enddate $EndDate

# Search for activity related to a particular user, IP address or freetext query in the Office 365 Unified audit logs.

# To retrieve the default time zone of a given user's mailbox the ExchangeOnlineManagement PowerShell module can be used (in order to correlate the Mailbox logs with UTC+0).
# Install-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement
Get-MailboxRegionalConfiguration -Identity <USER_ID>

# If a user is specified, Mailbox Audit Log will also be retrieved for the given user.
# User ids example: "[email protected]", "[email protected]"
Search-O365 -StartDate $StartDate90 -Enddate $EndDate -UserIds <USER_ID | USER_IDS_COMMA_LIST>
Search-O365 -StartDate $StartDate90 -Enddate $EndDate -IPAddresses <IP_ADDRESS | IP_ADDRESSES_COMMA_LIST>
Search-O365 -StartDate $StartDate90 -Enddate $EndDate -Freetext "<TEXT>"

# Get tenant general information, plus all Azure sign-ins and audit logs.
Get-AADLogs	-StartDate $StartDate30 -Enddate $EndDate

# Get Azure audit logs related to Azure applications and service principals only.
Get-AADApps	-StartDate $StartDate30 -Enddate $EndDate

# Get Azure audit logs related to Azure AD joined or registered devices only.
Get-AADDevices -StartDate $StartDate30 -Enddate $EndDate

# Get all Azure activity logs available for the tenant or for the specified tenant.
Get-AzRMActivityLogs -StartDate $StartDate90 -Enddate $EndDate [-SelectSubscription:$true]

# Get all Azure DevOps activity logs available for all the DevOps organization(s) the account executing the cmdlet has access to or for the given DevOps organization.
Get-AzDevOpsActivityLogs -StartDate $StartDate90 -Enddate $EndDate [-SelectOrg:$true]

[Azure AD & Azure] Log Analytics workspace or storage account with Diagnostic settings

Through the Diagnostic settings, Azure logs at tenant, subscription(s), or resource(s) level can be either:

  • Exported to json formatted files in a storage account blob. Logs exported to a blob will be in PT1H.json files, and can be downloaded using the Azure Storage Explorer utility (among others).

  • Send to a Log Analytics workspace to be processed directly in the Cloud with KQL queries.

Once a storage account or Log Analytics workspace has been created, the procedure to export logs from different sources is as follow:

  • AzureAD tenant logs (sign-ins and audit logs) - P1 / P2 license required:

    Azure Active Directory portal
       => Diagnostic settings (left menu)
          => Add diagnostic setting
             => Check "AuditLogs", "SignInLogs", "NonInteractiveUserSignInLogs", "ServicePrincipalSignInLogs", "ManagedIdentitySignInLogs", "ADFSSignInLogs", "RiskyUsers", "UserRiskEvents"
             => Archive to a storage account / Send to Log Analytics workspace
  • Subscription activity logs:

    Monitor portal
       => Activity log (left menu)
          => Export Activity logs (top menu)
             => Add diagnostic setting
                => Check all categories
                => Archive to a storage account / Send to Log Analytics workspace
  • Resources logs:

    The given resource portal
       => Diagnostic settings
          => Add diagnostic setting
             => Check all or the relevant categories
             => Archive to a storage account / Send to Log Analytics workspace

If exported to a storage account blob, logs will be available in the following folders:

  • Azure AD audit logs: insights-logs-auditlogs

  • Azure AD sign-ins logs:

    • insights-logs-signinlogs

    • insights-logs-noninteractiveusersigninlogs

    • insights-logs-managedidentitysigninlogs

    • insights-logs-serviceprincipalsigninlogs

  • Subscription: insights-activity-logs

  • Resources:

    • Storage accounts: insights-logs-storageread

    • Key vaults: insights-logs-auditevent

    • NSG flows: insights-logs-networksecuritygroupflowevent

Tags: azure_logs

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