Channel: System.
Events: 7045, 7036, 7035, 7000, 7023, 7031, 7034, 7040, 7030.

Channel: Security.
Event: 4697.


Windows services are programs that operate in the background and conform to the interface rules and protocols of the Service Control Manager (SCM) (the component responsible for managing Windows services). Services can be implemented as binaries or Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL). The services implemented as DLL are loaded and executed by an instance of the Service Host (svchost.exe) process.

Refer to the registry Windows services page for more information on Windows services.

Services Windows events

Channel Conditions Events

Provider: Service Control Manager.
Default configuration. Event 7045: A service was installed in the system.

Logged whenever a Windows service is created on the machine.

Information of interest:
- Domain and username of the user that installed the service (often the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account).
- Name, binary path, type, start type and executing account of the created service.
Security Introduced in Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10.

Audit: Force audit policy subcategory settings to be enabled.
And Other Object Access Events set to Success(, Failure).
Event 4697: A service was installed in the system.

Logged whenever a Windows service is created on the machine.

Information of interest:
- Domain, username and Logon ID of the user that installed the service (often the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account).
- Name, binary path, type, start type and executing account of the created service.

Legacy (Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP):
Event 601: Attempt to install service.

Provider: Service Control Manager.
Default configuration. Event 7036: The <SERVICE_NAME> service entered the <running/stopped> state.

Logged whenever a Windows service is effectively stated / stopped.

Information of interest: the name of the service impacted and the account used to instruct the service to start / stop.

Provider: Service Control Manager.
Logged only on <= Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. Event 7035: The <SERVICE_NAME> service was successfully sent a <start/stop> control.

Logged whenever a Windows service is instructed to start / stop.

Information of interest: the name of the service impacted. The account used to instruct the service to start / stop does not appear to be consistently logged.

Provider: Service Control Manager.
Default configuration. Event 7000: The <SERVICE_NAME> service failed to start due to the following error: <ERROR>.

Logged whenever a Windows service fails to start due to an error (such as an invalid / not found binary path, a driver that was blocked from running, etc.).

Information of interest: the name of the service.

Provider: Service Control Manager.
Default configuration. Event 7023: The <SERVICE_NAME> service failed terminated with the following error: <ERROR>.

Logged whenever a Windows service terminate with an error.

Information of interest: the name of the service.

Provider: Service Control Manager.
Default configuration. Event 7031: The <SERVICE_NAME> service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this <NUMBER_OF_FAILURES> time(s). The following corrective action will be taken in <SECONDS> milliseconds. <ACTION>.

Logged whenever a Windows service terminate unexpectedly. The usual corrective action is to restart the service (“The following corrective action will be taken in 1000 milliseconds: Restart the service”).

Information of interest: the name of the service.

Provider: Service Control Manager.
Default configuration. Event 7034: The <SERVICE_NAME> service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this <NUMBER_OF_FAILURES> time(s).

Logged whenever a Windows service terminate unexpectedly.

Information of interest: the name of the service.

Provider: Service Control Manager.
Default configuration. Event 7040: The start type of the <SERVICE_NAME> service was changed from demand <OLD_START_TYPE> to <NEW_START_TYPE>.

Logged whenever there is a change to a service start type.

Information of interest: the name of the service impacted and the account that modified the service start type.

Provider: Service Control Manager.
Introduced in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. Event 7030: The <SERVICE_NAME> service is marked as an interactive service.

Logged whenever a service is configured as an interactive service, which is not supported since Windows Vista and `Windows Server 2008 (du to security risks posed by interactive services).

Information of interest: the name of the service.


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